I took this picture because I thought that this is what we would get. This is what it usually looks like when it snows in Athens.
Then a bit later, I took this:
Now it was actually, you know, sticking. A little.
We forgot to get firewood on the way home Saturday night, and since there was a good chance we would lose power (and therefore heat) in the storm, I ventured out to get some in the middle of the shit hitting the fan on Saturday afternoon. After nearly getting stuck in the driveway, I slid all the way to the main road, where I found a broken traffic signal and a lot of very confused drivers. At this point I called the b.h. and told him to call his folks and tell them we were not going to make it for dinner.
It took me forty minutes to get to the grocery store and back. I got the last two bundles of firewood though, which was convenient. People were freaking out. the poor kids that had to round up the shopping carts at the grocery store were really pissed.
Since it never snows here, there are no plows and no salt trucks. The snow was so deep that the bottom of our car was scraping along in it the whole way home. Trees were bending and snapping all over the place. It was ugly.
Luckily we only lost power for about fifteen minutes. The b.h. and I took the dogs into the yard to play, then spent most of the evening playing Trivial Pursuit and Scrabble. He went into work several hours late yesterday, and I drove around town taking pictures. Everything is really pretty blanketed in snow, except for the hundred-plus year old trees that had broken or been completely uprooted.
The snow is still on the ground today, and we have grown an icicle off of one side of our tin roof, but I am too lazy (and warm) to get out and photograph it right now. In fact, I think I'm going to join the dogs on the couch.
Did you build a snowman? You did, surely, it's The Rule. Throw snowballs and build a snowman. Oh, and come in freezing cold and drink hot chocolate.
Actually, this is not our snowman. We're not that good. We did throw snowballs, but our time rollicking in the snow was spent running and playing with the dogs.
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