Monday, March 16, 2009

I was about five minutes late to the work meeting yesterday. Unfortunately that left me nearly two hours of meeting to sit through. I am not known for hiding my feelings well ("subtlety, thy name is heybartender" is a favorite and fitting quote from a good friend), and I must have been in rare from yesterday because one of my coworkers came up to me straight after and laughed a bit, asking if I was okay and remarking about the look on my face.
I actually got some sleep on Saturday night, so at least I didn't snap. I'm not going to be here much longer, but I do need a job until I leave.
Thew b.h. made a fantastic tortilla soup for our weekly dinner party. When we got there we found that our host was alone, having sent his lady on the road to S0uth by S0uthwest. I am insanely jealous, but I couldn't afford to go even if I were able to take time off from work.
Anyway, some other folks brought salad and pastries, D made two kinds of soup, and I brought a bottle of The Lackey Shiraz and a six pack of Sierra Nevada. Dinner was hilarious. The group was particularly lively this week, with one guest regaling us with stories from her job, which were eerily similar to The Office, but unique to her industry. Her boss is Ricky Gervais' Arkansian counterpart, and apparently he is moving his family here. I told J that she simply must start a blog. At very least it would chronicle the downfall of her company for all of the people who are going to ask "what happened?" when it's all over. At most, I think it would garner a serious following and could lead to a book deal. The guy is seriously deranged. It's awesome.
We didn't stay late, because the b.h. is still not sleeping properly and was exhausted, so we came home and watched Feasting on Asphalt. I had half of a blackout stout left in the fridge, so I poured it over some Breyer's coffee ice cream. I got three solid hour of sleep thanks to that.
I'm well into The Fortress of Solitude and really enjoying it. Still plugging away at Party Out Of Bounds, and immersed in both beer and wine books. My French lessons podcast is coming along slowly but surely, and I'm nearly finished with a two months old copy of The Believer. The new one is still in plastic on the coffee table. So business as usual, I guess.

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