Monday, March 16, 2009


I just found out that we lost a chance at the perfect rental house because the woman's repeated e-mails were trapped by my motherfucking spam filter. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck!!!!!!! I am through with yahoo.


loobyloo said...

Hi...yes, Yahoo are terrible. They blocked my domain as a spammer for a while and mail from my address to Yahoo ones simply disappears at random according to some mysterious pattern. Gmail works, maybe try that.

Btw just to introduce myself, I'm a postgraduate ("grad student" I think you say over there!) and came across your blog purely by accident the other night when searching for some stuff about cider making, (my initial attempt wasn't very successful) and I read the whole of March right through in one setting.

OK, I suppose it's not War and Peace. But I enjoyed it. This iss *terrible* wrong and bad and prejudiced, but it is a nice surprise when someone from the Southern USA likes proper food and drink.


heybartender said...

Well hello, l. Welcome. I have switched over to gmail. In fact, I had a gmail account already, but I was so used to yahoo form my nine years of use that I was finding the habit hard to break. Ah well, it's broken now.
Regarding The Southern Thing, there is SO much good food in the South. You have been lied to. (And since I am not a native Southerner you can rest assured there is no defensiveness or hurt pride in that statement.See Alton Brown for more details.) There is good food and excellent beer all over this country. Unfortunately that doesn't mean that people will choose it over MacD0nalds and Budw3iser. But that just means more for me, so I won't complain.

Z said...

Gmail did chuck some photos I'd been sent (I was expecting them - they were of antique china in case you're getting ideas about me) into my spam filter once, so I do check it, but I've found it fine and I prefer it to my Hotmail account. I have a Yahoo account too, but I don't use it because blimey, I don't spend my life checking emails. Anyway, I can't remember what it's called.

Hope you get a new house sorted soon.

loobyloo said...

Hi, yes I'm sure I'm wrong about the food and drink down there - we probably get a very skewed image of it over here. I'll have a look at Alton Brown, thanks.