Thursday, April 06, 2006

Rock vs. Geese

I just read in a magazine about how some researchers in Germany found that persistent loud noise can be a major contributor to heart attacks. The example given by the doctor who was asked was that of "city noise" outside one's apartment window, and that regular exposure to levels of even 65 to 75 decibels (normal talking is 60 decibels) increased the risk of heart attack in men by fifty percent, while in women it increased the risk THREE HUNDRED PERCENT. Consequently, I wonder:
-Do my fifty cent foam earplugs really help at all?
-Does the fact that I do not live in an apartment and that I have almost no city noise balance out my "rock time" enough, or should I go ahead and shoot the geese that live in my yard and wake me every single day?

It's just that they're so bloody cute...

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