Thursday, April 13, 2006

And I thought spinners were dumb...

Not only are the testicles frightening, but the stickers are- well, they're exactly the kind you would expect to find on a pickup truck with balls. "Preserve Our Heritage!!" shouts the ribbon shaped one. Another just says "R-O-D-E-O". My favorite? "Back Off City Boy." But my question is this: Doesn't the size of your stupid, gas-guzzling truck, with it's blah blah blah horsepower and two (yes, TWO) gas tanks (which is obviously the practical vehicle for making a quick run to the State Park with the kids for an afternoon of hiking and swimming) already say enough about "having balls"? I just don't get it. And I am starting to see them on more and more trucks.
It was driven by an imposing woman who looked weathered, but possibly in her 30's. She had three young boys in tow, and a 100 cigarette (unless they make 1000's--this thing was big) hanging out of her mouth and she was not happy. Sure glad I managed to snap the photo without being seen.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

My. God.

There should be a law that if you own a pickup truck, the ratio of engine usage to cargo bed usage must not exceed 10 to 1. You'd be fine under such a law--and so would we, since we're getting one soon in order to be able to haul manure, etc.--but people who used them to commute to desk jobs would be lined up against the wall. :-)