Sunday, June 28, 2009

Today was Drag Your Shrieking Child Through the Store Day at the LHFS. And thanks to somebody's stroke of genius, many of them were piloting child-sized shopping carts and running around knocking into stuff and completely ignoring their parents. So that was fun.
Then there was a girl who showed up in her pajamas. Now I know you're thinking, so effing what? People do that all the time! And indeed that is true. I have seen people in flannel bottoms and a t-shirt, sometimes even in their slippers, running into the gas station or the Local Liquor Store for a pack of cigarettes or quick 6 pack. Shit, people used to come to the bar like that. No. This girl was wearing a silky, peacock green camisole and short set, with lace trim, and a pair of knee-length white trouser socks. Yeah. Somebody's daddy probably should have given her a little more attention.
Other than that and the fact that I got free breakfast (hooray for tofu curry!), it was a rather soul-suckingly boring day.
Off tomorrow, though, so if the weather is nice (it's supposed to rain, so I assume that it will be) I'll probably take the boys to do something fun.

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