Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Oh my god where does the time go?
So I got a job. Part time, far away, but involving beer and wine. So good. Our car is not well, so I'm dealing with that. It seems that the gas tank is splitting at the seam, so i can drive it, but I can't put more than half a tank of gas in at a time or it leaks all over. So yeah. That's fun.
Honestly, I have spent so much time looking for a job and trying to figure out where everything is and reading about Iran that by the time I think of posting I am sick to death of looking at the computer. I have been following the election closely and can't seem to stop compulsively looking at Andrew Sullivan's blog to find out what is going on over there. I worry, perhaps too much. I wish there was something I could do. I remember how shitty I felt after both stolen U.S. elections (call me whatever you want to- I am convinced), and that was without the shutting down of communication with the outside world and having people shot on the streets for protesting. I feel unusually strongly about it all and it is difficult to process. If i were a woman of faith, I would be praying. Not having been blessed with faith, I resort to the equivalent of a lot of finger crossing. Ugh. This is a huge moment in history.
On a lighter note, I went to the DMV today to apply for an enhanced driver's license, which is one that will get me back and forth across the Canadian border. So I've got that going for me.
Other than that, I spend my time walking in the woods with the dogs, looking for more work, and wondering how in fuck I am going to afford a new car (which I will need before winter) when I don't even make enough money to pay the rent right now. I am remarkably calm in light of these facts.
Carry on.


SJMCB said...

you know, you're really going to have to rename this blog....
miss you!

heybartender said...

I was thinking about that. But I don't know if I can. I still think of everything in terms of Athens at this point.
Also, I am considering some stories about Athens. You know, Spanky Tales and whatnot. So I think it might still apply. Maybe I can see it more clearly from a distance?
I guess I'll figure it out eventually.