Monday, March 17, 2008


So Stupid Redneck Sarah, my racist co-worker, was watering the plants when I got to work. Normally, this wouldn't be a big deal, except that I had stayed late the night before watering the exact same plants. So not only was she drowning the fucking things, but there's that whole drought problem that we've spoken about. It turns out that she had been told by both L and Elizabeth not to water that section that day, but she decided to do it anyway. I was furious. I told L and E that I was going to bitch her out. E seemed unhappy at that prospect, saying that she hadn't really put her foot down, etc. So I dropped it, seethed for half an hour, returned and apologized to both of them for getting so pissy first thing in the morning, and went on about my day.
Later I saw Barb, who had been there the night before when I stayed late to water. We had a quick discussion about it. She threw her hands in the air, gesticulating wildly. She went to speak to Stupid Redneck Sarah.
Stupid Redneck Sarah, in front of Elizabeth, claimed that she had watered the plants because "no one marked the watering chart" and she didn't know that they had already been watered. By "no one", she meant Elizabeth and me. E didn't say a word. Barb came back to me and told me what was aid. I freaked out. Audibly. About ten feet from Stupid Redneck Sarah.
The good thing is that Barb knows damned well that the rest of us wouldn't bullshit her, so she knew Stupid Redneck Sarah was lying to cover her own ass. I was still pissed.
And just so you all know, I am fully aware that this is all kind of silly, but I take the drought very seriously, especially since I am an avid gardener and I have had to sacrifice a lot of time and money and energy (and plants) because of the shortage, and when people like Stupid Redneck Sarah are that wasteful, it really pushes my buttons. I'm over it now. Can't you tell?

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