Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Belated Hippie Arrest Story.

Saturday night we had a lot of rednecks in the bar. Most of them were fine- hard drinking, slightly dim, but fine. One of them was a very thin, very geeky looking hippie guy. He looked like a computer nerd in a dreadlock wig. I didn't serve him anything. Neither did S or J, my fellow bartenders. His girlfriend, who weighed about a buck ten soaking wet, downed three double Beam and C0kes- or Spankys, to those of you who know him- and a few shots. I would not have continued to serve her, but S is a rather saistic cocksucker, so there you go. Anyway, she was still standing when her bedreadlocked beau started falling all over her and her friend. He literally could not stand up, and he hadn't had anything to drink. i tried to talk to him, and tried to offer him water, but once I realized that he wasn't going to help me help him, I asked the door guys to get him out. I didn't want a dead hippie in the fucking bathroom at the end of the night (terrible odor, you know), and frankly this guy just wasn't my problem.
So two guys escorted him to the door and he was gone. An hour later one of the guys came back and told me that the guy had been arrested down the street. An ambulance had also been called. Probably best for everyone involved.
So at the end of the night, two of the guys from the band came up to the bar. the hippie's girlfriend was trying to close her tab, but she was too drunk to deal with it. One of the band guys was her friend and so agreed to take care of both her and her tab. He was apologizing to me and rolling his eyes while he propped her up at the bar.
"Yeah, so her boyfriend went to jail tonight,' he said, by way of explanation.
"I heard that."
"You know where we picked him up yesterday?"
"Lemme guess- jail?"
"Forsyth C0unty. Man he is stupid."
At that moment, another guy in the band came walking up. Turns out his keys went to jail with the hippie. Suddenly my night didn't seem so bad.

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