Tagged by Z.
3 Things That Scare Me:
Enclosed spaces scare the hell out of me. Except when they don't. I have a weird and inexplicable claustrophobia that only seems to strike when I'm doing something boring. For example, when I was at the very top of the St. Louis Arch, I was crammed up into the window, taking a photo staright down at the ground, with people pushing against me to get a better view, and I was completely unconcerned. All I cared about was how the picture would turn out (it was before digital). Being seated in the middle of a row at a movie theater before the movie starts, or on an airplane, however, makes me crazy.
Drowning. This has been a fear of mine for as long as I can remember. I am perfectly capable of swimming and treading water, but I can never quite let go. I think in a former life I may have been a cat that somebody drowned in a bag or something.
Heights. Again, love 'em, hate 'em. I like to be afraid in controlled circumstances, I guess. When I went to
Canyonlands National Park, for example, I belly-crawled out onto ledges that were hundreds of feet in the air, on giant wide rocks that were incredibly stable and would probably not move in an earthquake. Had another person been holding me up, I would have hated it.
3 People Who Make Me Laugh:
The b.h. Every day.
Terry Pratchett. The guy is just brilliant.
Small Gods is a masterpiece.
Grand Buffet. Yes, this is two people, but they are one unit, and they are quite clever. Politics and culture and a spoon full of sugar. All of these with good beats and often hilarious dance moves thrown in.
3 Things I Love:
Driving. Whenever I am stressed out, or need some time to think, or want to listen, to really
listen, to a new CD, I get in the car and drive. I'm not fond of say, driving to the store, or running errands so much, but a good stretch of highway always makes me feel better.
Dogs. Mine especially, but dogs in general. They seem eternally optimistic to me, and their energy is contagious.
Food. Lots of it. All things non meat-related, but especially chocolate, cheese, and fresh fruit.
Junking. Flea markets, goodwill, thrift stores, church rummage sales- name it. I'm there. I also enjoy antiquing sometimes, but since I know so little I often feel out of my league (and am usually out of my price range).
3 Things I Hate:
Sprawl. I moved out of trhe city to get a little air, and a little space. And now we're getting closed in.
Crappy food. This includes crappy beer, too. I'd rather go without, honestly. I almost never eat fast food, except when I'm on the road and starving. I never feel satisfied when I'm through eating, and I often feel sick. I just don't know why they bother, you know?
Traffic. Driving is good. Sitting still in your car sucking on two hundred tailpipes is not.
3 Things I Don't Understand: Almost anything to do with the computer. Mostly I can blog, write e-mail, and if it isn't too specialized, look up information.
People who "don't read." I mean, how can this be? I understand if you don't know
how to read, but otherwise, I don't get it.
Fashion. I find it interesting at times, and I wouldn't mind being able to afford nicer clothes for a rare occasion out, but I am simply not wired for it. My uniform is pretty much a band t-shirt with jeans and gym shoes, and after that I need help.
3 Things On My Desk:
A Sealab 2021 clock/snow globe-ey type thing, purchased for the b.h. at a yard sale two years ago. I love it.
Two pennies that have been smashed (legally, in a machine) and imprinted at the top of Pike's Peak. They have been there for some time, waiting for me to put them in a frame with photos of the b.h. and me actually standing at the summit of said peak.
Bills and receipts and other things that need filing.
3 Things I'm Doing Right Now:
Drinking my second cup of coffee. At two in the afternoon. It has been warmed up twice, if that makes me seem less lazy. I dropped a couple cardamom seeds in it just for kicks. Yum.
Listening to The Jayhawks
Tomorrow the Green Grass. I will never tire of this record. Ever.
Procrastinating. I should really be doing somethink productive and garden related, but I'm enjoying the down time right now. Yesterday I popped out of bed and started cleaning right away, since the b.h.'s folks were coming for dinner. I didn't get a chance to loaf like I normally do on a Sunday, so I'm making up for it now.
3 Things I Want To Do Before I Die:
Travel. I do travel quite a bit, but I still haven't been out of the country. (Unless you count Tiajuana, which I don't. It was absolutely horrifying and depressing and I never want to see it again. I'm pretty much just blocking it out.) There are countless other places I would like to see, however, and I need to get on that. Soon.
Write. For real, I mean. Like, a whole book. And maybe get published. Yeah, that would be good. I'll be sure and use longer sentences when I do.
Get my black belt. In tae kwon do. I left off just over a year ago, days before my green belt test. I am not very good at TKD, but I really enjoy it, and when I was practicing regularly, I felt a lot better.
3 Things I Can Do:
Bartend. I've been at it for a long time, and though I do not have special Tom Cruise in Coctail-type skills, I pour good drinks quickly, and I can deal with just about as many of any type of customer you throw at me. When I want to.
Bake. I am not the best cook in the world, and due to our limited kitchen space, I don't try very often, but my cookies kick ass.
Talk. Or rather, I can ramble. I am not a public speaker by any stretch of the imagination, but I can talk to almost anyone, and I often do. In the grocery line, at the gas station, the post office, garden center, public park, bar, restaurant, name it. I come from a long line of long-winded people, and I am a champion talker.
3 Things I Can't Do:
Floss. It isn't that I am physically incapable, or that I have a particular dislike for flossing, but I can not get myself into the habit.
Remember. I have a terrible memory. I can remember six drinks long enough to make them, add the prices, and go on to the next order, but that's about it. I never remember the names of characters on tv shows that we watch regularly, or the names of movies, or actors, or books I've read, or bands that I see every other month. I also can't remember the plots of books or movies after I've seen/read them. Perhaps it's information overload. I do, however, remember the Sesame Street Buster Brown shoes I had when I was five, and my best friends' phone numbers from as far back as fifteen years ago, and the face of a customer who once threatened to kick my ass. (We get along fine now, but i do like to remind him, every six months when I see him, that he made a complete jackass of himself). I don't know what this says about me, but it is something I wish I could improve.
Sing. I don't try and don't really want to, so it's no big deal. I have karaoked exactly one time, with a good friend, while on crutches and pain pills. Sorry you missed it.
3 Things I Think You Should Listen To:
Live music. Especially in a smaller setting. Stadium shows are just not the same. Hearing your favorite song is a totally different experience in person.
Older people. No matter your age, somebody knows more and has seen more than you have. Ask them about it.
Water. Rain, rivers, ocean waves... all very soothing to me.
3 Things You Should Never Listen To: Z changed this to ‘3 Things You Should Never Have To Listen To, and I like it better that way, too:
Construction. I'm trying to drown it out with The Jayhawks right now. It's kind of working, but not really. God I hate the sound of an electric saw.
Stupid people. Seven years into this administration, and I've really had about as much as I can take.
Starlings. At least, not in large numbers. There is a very Hitchcock (Alfred, not Robyn) feel to the sound of a giant flock of them in your yard. It's really cool for about ten seconds, and then you actually start thinking about how many of them are there.
3 Things I'd Like To Learn:
Auto Mechanics. I'm still pissed that they made me take typing in high school rather than auto shop. I still hunt and peck, and I don't know anything about cars.
More languages. I am functional in Spanish, but would love to know more. I will get around to it at some point.
Carpentry. It would make me feel so much more self-sufficient.
3 Favourite Foods:
This is just off the top of my head, since I could not possibly narrow it down to three items.
Pizza. Good pizza. Real pizza, preferably from (in?) Chicago. Real cheese, good, buttery crust, and fresh garlic. Oh damn, I just drooled on myself.
Fennell. This is a new discovery for me, just over the last year or two, but I adore it. Planted a whole lot, too. Cross your fingers for me.
Cannoli. You know that line from The Godfather? "Leave the gun. Take the cannoli"? Yeah. Right there with him. (And hat tip to Sarah Vowell, while I'm at it.)
3 Shows I Watched As A Kid:
Tom & Jerry. I watched a few cartoons religiously, but I think this is the one I remember best.
Monty Python. I know- As a child? Does not compute. But for some reason it did. I have loved John Cleese since at least age three.
Soap. Again, I just got it. And I still love it. Never got actual soaps, but I do love a good satire.
Desperate Housewives, anyone?
3 Bloggers I've tagged:
I don't want to be that guy, so no tagging, but perhaps a polite request to Jason, A.J., and Jamie? If you want, I mean.