Friday, June 09, 2006


Yes, it's friday, and I just finished feeding the turtles. Now I am going to loaf for at least the next four or five hours. At some point I will surely require pants, but I haven't gotten there yet. The tomato plants are tall enough that I can go out to the deck in boxers to feed the turtles without offending (or more likely blinding) passing traffic.
The tomatoes, incidentally, look terrific. And I just spotted a very cute and very tiny praying mantis on my lemon basil. Sweet. That should cut down on the pests. I have high hopes for my moonflowers. One of the first batch actually bloomed and is growing nicely up the back of the house. I had to do a re-plant after my box o' seedlings got flooded, but I planted directly into flower boxes, so at least I know that won't happen again.
I am barely able to read Fast Food nation, because it is so bloody infuriating and depressing. Not that I didn't already know most of it, but you know. It's a lot like that Wal-Mart documentary The High Cost of Low Prices. Just a confirmation of a lot of bad stuff you already knew.
That's why I picked up Terry Pratchett. He always makes me laugh.

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