Friday, May 12, 2006

Customer O' the Night

Last night she was about 18 years old, maybe 80 pounds soaking wet, and insisted on smoking indoors (both illegal and annoying, since no one who works there is allowed to) and getting drinks from unsuspecting young men (despite the fact that her hands were clearly makrked underage). She was asked repeatedly not to smoke inside. She had drinks taken away. At one point (about ten minutes before she finally got thrown out) I caught her in the bathroom, smoking again.
Me: "Do you realize that it's 70 degrees outside?"
Her: (drunkenly)"IS IT?"
Me: "Yeah, so why do you insist on smoking in here?"
Her: (affecting some sort of baby voice that she has clearly gotten a lot of mileage out of thus far) "I'm Sorry. Does it offend you?"
Me: "well, offend has nothing to do with it, really. It's not legal and you have already been told, so can you just take the fucking thing outside?"

Moments later, she was escorted to the door by the next person she pissed off. I am a patient person, I promise.


Jamie said...

Yeah, that's just infuriating. It was a gorgeous night last night. WTF?

Maybe it would be harder to procure illegal drinks from there...

Tel said...

Did she leave you a tip?

J.H. said...

She sounds hot.