Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I am having yet another bout of insomnia. I seem to fall asleep for about 45 minutes or an hour every night, and then wake up like a vampire on a day pass. I have no idea why. Anyway, I was just effing off over on faceb00k and saw that Jamie had posted this little gem, with a special shout out to yours truly, as I am such a fan of the word. She's so thoughtful.


loobyloo said...

My sleeping is really getting out of hand. I go to bed around 1am, wake up around 4 or 5, am awake for about two hours, then the alarm wrenches me awake at 8, and I feel exhausted all day.

Today, for the first time for ages when I didn't have to get up, I slept till 11.30am.

And you know what causes it - drinking.

heybartender said...

I have issues whether I drink or not. And honestly, I'm a one or two beer kind of girl, so it's not likely.
I think for me it's just stress related. I know it isn't because I'm not tired enough. I just finished a twelve hour shift and I am wound tight.
Thanks for the good wishes. I will of course keep you posted.

Z said...

Sounds like stress to me. I never found a cure, though hopefully your mind will adjust to the level of stress and cope better, or it'll reduce once you get your jobs sorted out.

Although getting to sleep wasn't the main problem I did find, and still do, that I sleep better if I wind down before bedtime and don't go when my mind is still buzzing. I was usually too knackered to get up, but if I did, made a cup of tea, drank it and went to bed, sometimes my mind was tricked into starting the night again and sleeping.