Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Call of the WIld.

I bought a new bird feeder a couple weeks ago. It is much larger than the last one, and it holds a lot more seed. Also, because of the way it is constructed, more birds can feed at the same time. The result is that the daily bird party has gotten much larger outside our window. There are at least two (and possibly three- I think they have a baby) woodpeckers. These are in addition to the red-headed, Woody Woodpecker guy that I often see on the other side of the house. No bluebirds yet, but I suppose they might be out of town for the season. We have the usual cardinals and mourning doves, and a whole lot of others I can't yet identify. I love watching them. I often find myself stopping whatever I'm doing *cough* internet porn *cough* to look at a bird identification web page. I think I will have to get a book.

Damn. Now I have another hobby.

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