Wednesday, October 24, 2007

This is what Eleven Pounds of Olives Looks Like.

The box is about the size of two shoe boxes- or one box with a really big guy's boots. The first step is washing and cracking them:

The one in this photo got more cracked than necessary, as I was not very practiced just yet. The idea is to break them open very slightly, after which they are soaked in water, which gets changed twice a day for five days. This apparently leeches out the bitterness. We now have a two and a half gallon bucket that is full to the brim. We are choosing the water method of curing, rather than using lye. It just sounds less scary- you know, first time out and all. There's something about mixing drain cleaner and food that I have a hard time with. Next step (and next photos) in a few days.

In the meantime, here are a couple long overdue shots of the Blue Mountain show at Tasty World two weeks ago:

Something about Frank's drum kit just says "Fellow Traveler" to me:

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