Sunday, May 06, 2007

Are You Local?

It turns out that my new favorite laundry soap is. Well, local-ish, anyway. It is made in North Carolina, it comes in what amounts to a small brown paper bag, is certified biodegradable, non-toxic, and hypo-allergenic. It doesn't smell like anything, and you only need a tablespoon to wash a whole load of clothes. Yay! It's called Charlies Soap. The label says it "Cleans everything from silk frillies to shop rags."
So yeah- I had a good day at Earthf@re today. They also have a sale on body care products, so I got more cardamom mint foot lotion (drool), and some Tom's fennel toothpaste. Cut some flowers from the garden, weeded, put up a new fence (Kilgore's ability to leap fences continues to astound and frustrate me), and consoled a heartsick friend for about two hours on the phone. Now it's time to turn off the brain, open a beer, and watch a dvd.
Happy Sunday, y'all.

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