Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Reading Roundup.

I have spent a whole lot of time recently reading newspapers and political websites, which I realized is causing me to fall way behind in my book reading. Infinite Jest has once again proved incredibly thick and slow-going. I love it, but I tend to do my book reading right before I fall asleep, and that book is too much work (both mentally and physically). I really need a vacation in order to get serious about it.
On a recommendation from my friend K, I picked up a couple of Carl Hiassen books at a rummage sale recently. I am reading one, but I'm too lazy to go upstairs and check the title right now. It's about a murdered musician and a reporter who is kind of a fuckup. It's funny, and pretty smart, and in general a good, easy wind down at the end of a day. Thumbs up.
I still have the Shakespeare book on my night stand, but I haven't made any progress. Like the DFW book, it is really large and cumbersome, and I will need more time in larger chunks to get through it.
I have also been reading a lot of magazines, the best of which is a literary mag called The Believer (www.believermag.com), brought to us by the wonderful people at McSweeneys. The Believer is as close to being in a literature class as my brain has come for over ten years. I love it. I have been reading it monthly for over a year, and recently grabbed a stack of back issues on ebay for next to nothing. I love it.
Honestly, my heart isn't really in this post, but I am trying very hard to post more often. Sorry it's not that fun. I really have to go read now.

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