Saturday, December 16, 2006


I have been incredibly lax lately in my blogging, and I wish that I could say, this time, that I have been far too busy- working on my thesis, or feeding the homeless, or developing a new theory of somethingorother that was going to change the course of human history. Alas, these things are simply not true. In fact, I have been hard pressed to even pick up a book in the past couple of weeks, preferring instead to recieve my entertainment via magazine articles and -gasp- television. It really is a good thing that we don't have cable, and are therefore unable to recieve any channels at all, because in my weaker moments I am prone to lying on the couch for hours on end, taking in whatever trash is available. That trash has mostly been in the form of The Sopranos recently, so i don't feel all that bad about it.
Work has been okay, mostly. Last Wednesday was magnificent, though, thanks to the guys in Centro-Matic. Will even did the toaster dance for us. Having these guys play reminds us all why we do what we do. One good wednesday can erase weeks of shite jam bands and crap metal wannabes. Likewise, one night of serving bartenders, waiters, and similar professional drinkers makes up for the hordes of mouth-breathing, no-tipping redneck jackasses and frat boys that we see on a fairly regular basis.
On that note, many people have asked if we are upset that the bar can't be open this year on New Year's Eve because of the draconian Blue Laws (don't ask--just know that it's all about Jesus). The answer is a resounding NO. I actually dtest working on NYE, because as every bartender knows, it is ametuer night--the one night of the year when virtually everyone feels the need to go out and get drunk and clebrate... well, celebrate not ever going anywhere or knowing how to deal with people, apparently, because every jackass and his toothless cousin is out pounding drinks and looking to score, and this invariably leads to more fights and broken glasses and urinals being ripped from the wall than the whole rest of the year put together. So do I regret not being able to work that night? Hells no. In fact, I'll even THANK Jesus for the opportunity to stay home. This year the b.h. and I are considering going to Atlanta to see Centro-Matic open for the Drive-By Truckers, but we haven't made a definite plan. Mostly that's because I hate Atlanta and as much as I can appreciate what the Truckers do, I am not fond of the aforementioned drooling jackass masses, and they'll have more than their share. We may be returning from Chicago on the 30th with our friend T, but that will depend on whether or not he can escape his corporate hell for a few days. I am crossing my fingers.

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