Saturday, December 09, 2006

Party Like It's 1989.

So the other night we had an industrial band play. I've seen them before, and it's not my thing, but they're really nice people, so I was okay. I was in a pretty good mood, in fact. My favorite customer was a young, gay, goth guy who bore a remarkable resemblance to Elrond from the LOTR movies. By the end of the night, he was so drunk that he tried to close his tab several times, and he was slurring in the most lispy and hilarious voice. It was very amusing. I did get fucked by a stripper. She was crazy and drunk when she got there, and proceeded to order and down a number of shots in less than an hour. After buying several rounds for her and her friends, she tipped me like five percent. Ugh. Ridiculous. Fortunately her co-workers made up for her.
The best part of the night? Ten minutes after the smoke machine started (yes, they had a smoke machine)I took a quick break to skip to the loo, and it was like An AMerican Werewolf in the Ladies' Room. The way the HVAC system works in our building, the air near the stage gets sucked into the air return and spit directly in there. Warm in the winter, cool in the summer, and filled with fog on Industrial Night. Fantastic. Wish we had room for a tub in there.


Z said...

If you ever move to Britain and get a job in a bar, you will be sorely disappointed. We don't tip bartenders over here. We might buy you a drink though.


heybartender said...

Well, if I have my information right, you actually pay living wages to your bartenders, so they don't have to rely on tips. We get four bucks an hour, and that's almost twice what bartenders make anywhere else. It's a weird system, but it works.