Sunday, July 02, 2006

Weird Vibes...

Last night was sort of weird. It started out fairly busy. In addition to the three bands that were scheduled, we were hosting trapeze artists from Canopy Studio. Before you get any Flying Wallendas pictures in your head, let me explain that what these ladies do is closer to modern dance than circus performance. The trapezes(?) are hung from the ceiling in the middle of the club in front of the stage, and various spotlights are placed around. Music selections are played over our sound system by the sound guy while they perform, and it is generally both very cool and very hot. Last night I remarked to J that
"If you can't get laid after this show, you can't get laid." He agreed.
So there was a young lady in mid performance, and I was in mid pour with my back to the room, when I heard a sharp snap and then a very sickening clunk. Every hair on my body stood up, because I knew that the wooden trapeze bar had broken and the girl had fallen, probably very awkwardly and possibly on her head, at least five feet to the wooden floor. Fuck.
She wound up being okay, but she definitely fell on her head and it was pretty fucking scary for a minute. Coincidentally, we had a paramedic and an emergency room nurse on hand, so she was looked at right away and I heard she didn't have to stay at the hospital last night.
The fucking bathroom is fucked again, and this time it really was ankle deep in there. Our plumber had been working at it for hours (and that was just yesterday, never mind the other five times he has been here in the last two weeks) when he finally gave up and we had to close two of the three stalls. This was before we had any customers, mind you. Once we actually had business, and the bathroom started getting some use, stall number three was soon completely fucked as well, and my boss ended up ankle deep and plunging away in an attempt to alleviate the situation. It didn't work, and ultimately we had to completely close that restroom, which was less problematic for us than it might be for another business because we do have another bathroom on the second floor. The boss was remarkably calm under the circumstances. I was proud.
There were a whole bunch of biker women in town for the Women In The Wind conference. I had already encountered two of them on Thursday night, and I was not looking forward to deaqling with them again. It's not that I am homophobic, mind you. It's just that I find people who aggressively and relentlessly hit on me despite my utter lack of interest or response quite frustrating. Man or woman, no means no, and when I start giving the "I am being nice to you but you are making me incredibly uncomfortable and now I am starting to be embarrassed for you" signal it is definitely time to BACK OFF. Jesus!
The problem there was that while I had been off on friday night enjoying a fantastic Hayride set at the Caledonia (they covered both A Flock of Seagulls and Skid Row-incredible), my co-workers found themselves bartending for 80 or 100 of these ladies, and being strapped for cash (service industry work in the summer in a college town is rarely lucrative) decided to befriend them, get them completely loaded, and pretty much let them have their way. C was groped, pawed at, and given a cursory rectal exam through her pants, much to her amusement. The men were similarly abused by the straight ladies in the crowd. I was understanably trepidatious.
As it turned out, I was so busy that didn't really have to deal with much, but there was one woman who seemed particulary put out that I would not respond to her stalker-like gaze with more than "Do you need another beer?" (I learned early on not to say "What can I do for you?", "How can I help you?", or anything else that would encourage more than a yes or no answer.
Loswt my keys at the end of the night and wound up having to leave my car downtown and get a ride home. Went back and found them today, so no big deal, but it was a bit inconvenient. Ah well, let the weekend begin.

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