Saturday, July 08, 2006

Any Minute Now...

The new Long Winters record is due out this month, but we have already been listening to it Here.
So glad the b.h. pays attention to this stuff, or I'd have had to wait until the 25th to hear it. This happens to be the same day the new Drams record comes out. We're pre-ordering in hopes that we will get them both before we leave on our vacation to upstate New York. The trip is actually part vacation and part family reunion (his, not mine). I have never spent any time in New England, so I am looking forward to it.

1 comment:

alfredblog said...

yup yup yup.
roderick sent me an advanced copy of tlw.
i think it is fucking fantastic.
a little less pop-centric than the last, and i am really impressed with the lyricism.
now how do we file share it to you guys b4 you head out?