Saturday, December 08, 2007

You're Kidding, Right?

Note to a former Athens resident with an already questionable reputation who visited my bar last night:
When you open a tab with a useless credit card, get drunk, and make a run for the door when we ask you to pay up, coming in the next day with a resume' is probably pointless.

Nope, I'm not kidding.


Z said...

You mean you turned him down? I don't know what to say.

SJMCB said...

WHO WHO WHO??? please tell me I know this person.

alfredblog said...

did i really come in there with a resume? tough month man,

heybartender said...

S- I'll tell you when I see you. Don't even want to print that loser's name here. Actually, I had never met him before. But the other bartender that night shuddered when he saw the guy come in- and that was before he even ordered anything.

A- You know you don't need a resume'. Your skills are familiar to us all.