Sunday, January 21, 2007


It's a rare occasion when the b.h. and I are both in the kitchen (he does about 99.9% of the cooking in our house), but it is a lot of fun, even with a hundred and twenty pounds of dog lying perpetually underfoot. Today we made a quick dash out in the rain to get some groceries, and then got to cooking right away. He made a lovely roasted cauliflower dish with a cilantro-ey curry sauce. I made a batch of homemade chai, which I am about to get a cup of as soon as I'm through posting. I also finally used up the last of our Georgia mountain apple supply in an apple cranberry pie. I am still slightly intimidated by the crust thing (rolling and crimping are not my strong suits), but it does get easier every time. And hell, if I ever hope to be half the pie lady that Jamie is, I'd better keep practicing.

Crossing my fingers and sending my best vibes to AJ, whose film The Signalwill debut at Sundance in just over twenty-four hours. Good Luck!

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