Thursday, October 26, 2006


Tusday the b.h. and I went up to the mountains for a belated anniversary-type celebration. We took the dogs and went to a state park to do some hiking. Let me tell you, nothing reminds you just what kind of crap shape you are in like huffing and puffing your way to the middle a one and a half mile trail and finding the group of octogenarians that started on the other end of the trail, at the same time, having beaten you there, laughing and smiling and breathing quite normally. I surmised that they must live in the mountains, and therefore be used to the thinner air. Or something. Anyway, the colors were fabulous. The highlight of the hike was a wooden platform we reached after carrying Wyatt up and down several flights of stairs (the metal grates scared him). The view from it looked something like this:

The whole "panoramic shot" thing doesn't work well unless you have a camera that was made to take them, so I didn't bother.
After hiking, we went back to Mack Aaron's Apple house for a bag of Arkansas Blacks and a few fried pies. Yum.

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