Monday, December 21, 2009

I was informed for the first time a few days ago that all Local Grocery employees were expected to help with answering the phone. This was news to me, after over three months of full-time employment, but I had no problem with it. So yesterday, i happened to be very near to a phone when it rang. I picked it up.
"Local Grocery, can I help you?"
"Do you carry A Certain Brand Of Local Salad Dressing?"
"Let me check."
I put the woman on hold and made my way through the very crowded store to the dressing section, then made my way back to the phone.
"Yes, ma'am, we do carry that brand. We have four varieties."
"Can you tell me how much it is? I forgot to ask."
"Well, yes, but you'll have to hold another minute while I go check."
I put her on hold again, ran the same gauntlet, and returned.
"Hi, they are $4.19 each for 16 ounces."
"Do you have the Maple Balsamic variety?"

-Long and obvious pause while I refrain from actually speaking the words that first spring to mind.-

"...I don't know, but it really is on the other side of the store from me at the moment."
Mercifully, she didn't make me check. Needless to say, I plan to ignore the phone henceforth.

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