Thursday, January 31, 2008


I just finished the first of P.G Wodehouse's Jeeves & Wooster series. My friend M loaned it to me and I loved it. As soon as I read the first ten pages I jumped on Netflix and added it to our queue. Love that, too. I also got a book from M called Doubt. Religion and skepticism and whatnot. throughout history. Just barely scratched the surface of it, and it's a big one, but so far it is interesting. Also started This is your Brain on Music(?-not positive of that title and not near the book, but that's the gist). I got it for Christmas from my friend T. It promises to explore how and why our brains respond the way they do to music. So far it is very easy to read and understand, even to my feeble and very unscientifically inclined mind. I love the idea of approaching something that is so left brained from a right brain perspective.
I also recommend the Best American Non-Required Reading 2007. Not only do they mention two of my friends' band names, but they have poetry about Ed Asner. Fantastic.

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