Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Today was one of those days when I had to convince myself not to quit my job. 

The really difficult/beautiful thing about this particular job is that no one is actually looking over my shoulder. I could conceivably just go fuck off for an entire day, or hell an entire week, and as long as I put the orders through at the end of each day, nobody would notice. Unfortunately I have an actual work ethic, so the likelihood that I will ever take advantage of that is remote. 
Four more weeks until the BH and I have a four day weekend. We have zero days off together right now, and that has been very difficult. He's not very happy with his job either, and there's really no way for him to change his schedule right now, so were kind of stuck where we're at. 

I'm certain that I failed to mention the excruciating trips I have recently taken to the chiropractor. I injured myself a couple of months ago when I fell on the ice outside the house, and I pretty much ignored the pain that I was in until I started to wake up every morning with my left arm completely numb. I haven't even gotten adjusted by the chiropractor because I'm in such terrible shape, but I am doing physical therapy and things are getting better. I feel 100 years old.

Goddamn I am so boring.

Now you see why haven't been writing.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

I'm having a hard time feeling motivated to write. It's not that I don't have anything to say, I think it's just that with Twitter and Facebook, I feel like it's already been said. Blessing and a curse, those two additions to modern life.

We haven't had a holiday of any sort in a while, and the BH and I are planning a trip to Nashville at the end of May. A much needed respite, and he can't come to soon.

Wyatt is having a terrible time adjusting to life without Kilgore. When he's left at home for any amount of time by himself, he howls and cries. This of course is going to be a bigger problem with the warmer weather coming, since we will have windows open. As long as the weather is cool, I can take him with me. He loves the car, and he's an easy companion. The problem will come when it gets too hot to leave him in the car during my sales calls. I'm trying to get my head around the idea of getting another dog. Not ready for it in so many ways.

Still not seeing much of anyone, but we are getting out more. Happy that the playoffs and started, though it this rate they do promise to be the death of my liver.

Gods I'm boring.