Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Well, shit. I guess I hadn't realized how I left that last post dangling. Sorry. The shoulder is likely going to require surgery, but I won't know for sure until I see an Orthopedist. I have been referred by my doctor and am awaiting a call. The good thing is that yes, Z, I do have insurance, and since this is a work-related injury (there's something hilarious about "I hurt myself cutting the cheese") I won't have to pay for it. Which is great, because even *with* insurance, I have just received a nearly $800 bill for the MRI. Yikes. So now I wait.
Work has been busy, and although the wine portion of it is mostly fun for me, Oddfellows Local 151 has been driving me crazy. We have lost the only good President we've had since I started (there have been at least four in the last two years, and this one was driven away by the sheer craziness of our most active members). She was replaced by one of said crazy people, who is now driving *me* crazy. I can't go into details, but I will tell you that I tore into this one twice on Saturday and it's nowhere near over. Things are going to get ugly.
Another of my co-workers (I use this term loosely, because in both of these cases I am hard pressed to call what either of them does "work." Mostly they do that cliche' Union Member thing you see where they spend most of their time complaining about one thing or another and somehow manage to make more money than their harder-working counterparts) asked me for help with something. I helped her and now she's bitching about the way in which I went about it. Honestly, there is no pleasing some people. The upside is that I now have an excuse to tell her to fuck off rather than making myself miserable trying to be nice, and I never have to deal with her again, which should make my job and my life a lot better.
The b.h. and I agreed to go easy on Christmas presents to each other this year, what with our impending European Vacation and all, so I got him some kitchen-related goodies and t-shirt from a show in Athens that neither of us was able to attend. It was a tribute to R.E.M.'s album Fables of the Reconstruction, performed by many people we know and love in Athens, and I am very excited because I am absolutely sure it will be a surprise. Also our friend at Athensmusic.net was kind enough to throw in a CD of the show. Now if I can only have the patience to leave it wrapped until Sunday...


Z said...

Hard cheese, darling. That sounds extremely painful.

Anonymous said...

Eight hundred dollars even with insurance? Crikey! Hope your shoulder works out OK - slightly inconvenient time of the year for it to happen as I assume you're hectically busy. Maybe you'll have to stop stocking those really hard cheeses!

What is Oddfellows Local 151? I can only find references to the REM album.

And if our virtual paths do not cross before then, a very Merry Christmas!

heybartender said...

It's cutting the cheese that kills, Loob, not stocking. Does that slang translate? I'll have to grab my copy of "Knickers in a Twist"...

A Merry Christmas to you all as well!

Anonymous said...

Fraid not! I'm still completely confused :) Never mind!